November 8, 2011

FINRA Updates IARD - 11/8/11

Effective on 11/7/11, FINRA released enhancements to the 

Investment Adviser Registration Depository ("IARD") system to prepare for SEC to State

transitions for mid-sized Advisors. For Advisors participating in AdvisorAssist's Annual Compliance services, you will be receiving an annual renewal questionnaire that will address these items.

Here's the copy of the SEC Email Distribution:

SEC-Registered Investment Advisers: The revised Form ADV is now programmed into IARD. Between January 1, 2012 and March 30, 2012, all SEC-registered advisers are required to file a Form ADV amendment (annual amendment or other-than-annual amendment), completing all items on the revised form and indicating with which regulator they should be registered. A registered adviser that files an other-than-annual amendment to its Form ADV prior to January 1, 2012 will not be required to complete all of the new items on the revised form (see General Instructions, Instruction 4 for when certain items are required to be updated Please see SEC adopted rules for more information (IA-3221 and IA-3222, June 22, 2011, on You cannot reply to this email. If you have questions, please email IARDLIVE@SEC.GOV.

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Open questions on SEC to State Transition?
If you still have open questions regarding your options, timing, securities rules or other aspects of transition to state registration, please schedule a call with us. Please send an email to


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