5:21 PM
Gabrielle Magdziarz

Series Exam Changes Effective June 12, 2023
Today, the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) announced the corresponding results to their job analysis study of the Series 65 and 66 examinations. These changes will affect both content specifications of the exams, and an adjustment to the passing score for the Series 65.
Currently, the passing score of the Series 65 requires at least 94 of 130 questions to be answered correctly, with a passing score of 72%. The adjustment will now require the candidate to answer 92 of 130 questions correctly, or a passing score of 70%. There will be no adjustment in scoring for the Series 66 examination.
Content updates will include enhancements to each exam to align questions with the Secure Act 2.0. Additional topics have been added, while other topic areas have been modified or deemphasized. All June updates to test specifications can be reviewed below at the test’s respective link:
Candidates are urged to review their examination windows, and adjust test scheduling accordingly based on the announcement. Should you have any questions, please contact your AdvisorAssist Consultant.
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